Customer Reviews for Word Alive Ministries
Artesia lott on 6/14/2015 9:47:29 AM
Child MOLESTORS made me touch him as a kid and told me not to tell the cops or I would be homeless . As a kid I believed him but he was just covering up his name. He threw me out the church for trying to get help but because he is the pastor he says I'm lying and instead of prayer and help they pushed me away and called me a crazy liar. I AM MOT AM HIS BLOOD DAUGHTER WHO HE WANTED SEX WITH POINT BLANK AND PERIOD. I asked for lie detector an as a Truthful pastor he supposedly is he declined. Beware wolf in sheep clothing.
Artesia on 6/14/2015 9:41:38 AM
Child MOLESTORS touched me as a kid and tried to see me naked pregnant touched me a lot and as a loving daughter I keep all this quite because I loved my dad and thought he did as well . To later have him slander my name and call me a liar to keep his fake church open full of lies REMEMBER GIFTS VOME WITHOUT REPENTENCE AND DENIES TOUVHING ME SO IM SURE HE HAS NOT REPENTED JUST THOWN ME AWAY LIKE TRASH ME AND MY CHILDREN
Artesia on 6/14/2015 9:42:22 AM
Child MOLESTORS touched me as a kid and tried to see me naked pregnant touched me a lot and as a loving daughter I keep all this quite because I loved my dad and thought he did as well . To later have him slander my name and call me a liar to keep his fake church open full of lies REMEMBER GIFTS VOME WITHOUT REPENTENCE AND DENIES TOUVHING ME SO IM SURE HE HAS NOT REPENTED JUST THOWN ME AWAY LIKE TRASH ME AND MY CHILDREN